Link Personal GitHub Account to Organization's Docker Account
Link Personal GitHub Account to Organization's Docker Account
Recently I came across an issue Unable to find image locally when using docker and wanted to document the solution for myself

2024 Finding My Lost Confidence
2024 Finding My Lost Confidence
Hey friends, Happy new year and as we are saying good bye to 2024 I wanted to share how my 2024 was.

The Tree Shaking Journey in Angular: A Deep Dive
The Tree Shaking Journey in Angular: A Deep Dive
This year, I tried a new Angular version and wanted to experiment with how the tree shaking works once the standalone components came.
Fighting the Invisible Battle: My Story of Health Struggles
Fighting the Invisible Battle: My Story of Health Struggles
There was a point in my life when I thought I was a failure at work and not a good enough engineer.

Going to take much needed break from public speaking
Going to take much needed break from public speaking
Taking a break and thanking readers

Celebrating Two Years at Celonis
Celebrating Two Years at Celonis
Hey everyone, today marks my two-year anniversary at Celonis. It feels just like yesterday when I started there. It's been a fantastic journey; it felt like starting my career again.