Closing the Year 2023 with Gratitude
Just did my last conference of the year, and what a year it has been travelled across the world to give talks, had an amazing year at work and spent our first years together in Germany with my family.
Santosh Yadav Thu Nov 30 2023 20:48:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) 2 min readJust delivered my last talk of the year at EpicHey, and I am so much relaxed, this year was great personally and professionally both. We spent our first year together in Germany, my famliy arrived in Oct 2022 and we did some travel togther in europe for some holidays as well.
Year of conferences
I joined my employer Celonis last year in August, and started traveling in Oct, NxConf was my first in-person conference after 2020 and since moving to Germany, and that was just a start.
I travelled across europe, US, UK and India in past one year to deliver my talks.
Time to rest
After the year full of travel now its time to rest, I have decided I will do only 4-5 conferences next year, but I am free to speak at meetups, so if you are planning an meetup next year and want someone to talk about Angular, Nx, Open Souce Tooling or GitHub Actions fee free to connect.
Plan for next year
I want to finish my Angular course or I should say courses and want to go back start doing the This Is Tech Talks podcast, and we already have some great Guests joining us next year,
I am grateful for the support provided by my family, my wife she was alone for many days and it was not easy being alone in a new coutry, my friends who provided lot of help when needed.
My co-workers who did all the heavt lifting when I was travelling, my employer Celonis, for letting me travel and speak at conferences.
My biggest GitHub sponsors and AppWrite for sponsorig my work
Shout out to my GitHub Sponsors for supporting my work on Open Source.
Google Developer Experts program and Google for Developers Europe team for all the travel and stay support.
GitHub for inviting me to attend GitHub Univers and making me part of GitHub Stars program
And all the amazing friend I met and new friends I made this year, I hope we meet again and make many more memories together
Here is the Album 2023 Conference Memories